Custom Data Request ID/Name: FreemanGIS_DRT-881_202304
Requestor Background:
Bonnie Freeman, President and GIS Principal at FreemanGIS, is requesting precise species and community element occurrence records intersecting with their pipeline area of interest in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. FreemanGIS provides professional geographic information system (GIS) services.
From Summit Carbon Solutions - Summit Carbon Solutions : Summit Carbon Solutions is an affiliate of Summit Agricultural Group. Summit Agricultural Group is a diversified agribusiness operator and investment manager with operations in the United States and Brazil. Summit deploys capital across the agricultural supply chain with a particular focus at the intersection of agriculture and renewable energy.
Geographic Scope for request:
Scope of Request:
Precise spatial data and EO details for species and communities intersecting the area of interest as shown in the map below.
Mode of Delivery:
The Licensed Data was provided in a password protected file geodatabase on June 15, 2023.
Purpose of Request:
The data will be used to comply with pipeline safety regulations that require operators to develop integrity management programs to proactively protect resources that are unusually sensitive to environmental damage from a hazardous liquid pipeline release. Please see 49 CFR 195.452 for more on pipeline integrity management, 49 CFR § 195.452 - Pipeline integrity management in high consequence areas. , and 49 CFR 195.6 for the definition of an ecological unusually sensitive area (EcoUSA),
49 CFR § 195.6 - Unusually Sensitive Areas (USAs).
One GIS person at FreemanGIS will be working with the raw species data to filter it into EcoUSAs per the definition in 49 CFR 195.6. A derived set of EcoUSAs will be passed to Summit Carbon Solutions for internal use in their integrity management program. It is anticipated 1-2 GIS people will be working with the derived EcoUSA dataset internally at Summit Carbon Solutions.