Custom Data Request ID/Name: NCASI_2022-2024

Organization/Individual Requesting Data: National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI) is requesting precise data for various states within the U.S. to better understand the distribution of rare species relative to forest management planning and practices (see Purpose below).  One primary role of NCASI is supporting its members adherence to key sustainable certification standards such as the Sustainable Forestry Initiative ® (SFI) and Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) standards.  NCASI has 80 U.S. member companies and 33 Canadian Member Companies, and NatureServe’s most comprehensive data holdings are for the U.S. and Canada allowing us to provide data for the geographic area that NCASI serves.

This License Agreement entitles only NCASI employees, employees of NCASI participating Members Companies listed in Attachment 1, or contractors to NCASI and these NCASI Member Companies (hereinafter “Data Users”) to have direct access to the Licensed Dataset for the purposes outlined in Attachment 1 for two years. All Data Users must register with NatureServe as a Level 1 or Level 2 Data User following the guidelines below.

Two types of Users:

i. Level 1 Data User: Data Users who interact directly with the electronic Licensed Dataset (in the NCASI or NCASI Member Company data management system) are required to complete NatureServe Data Use Training that automatically registers these individuals as NatureServe Level 1 Data Users. Data Use Training is available at:
ii. Level 2 Data User: Data Users who are only viewing the data as an electronic or paper report or map and are not interacting directly with the raw species location data, are not required to take the NatureServe Data Use Training. However, to allow users access to the data as a registered Level 2 Data User the Licensee is required to do the following:
a. For Level 2 users, exclude the species names on reports, maps, or presentations. Or, if species names and locations are included, mark each page of the report, map, or presentation with the words “Confidential, sensitive data. For internal use only”, unless such products display or describe species at geographic scales expressly defined as allowable for external parties in section IV. D. below.
b. Provide Level 2 Data Users with an abbreviated summary of data use terms (provided by NatureServe), and to confirm that these Level 2 Data Users have read and understand these terms. The abbreviated summary will include a summary of the terms of this License and information about the sensitive nature of the data.

Companies participating:

  1. Drax Biomass
    2. Enviva Biomass
    3. Evergreen Packaging
    4. Greenwood Resources
    5. Hancock Nat. Res. Group
    6. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation
    7. Molpus Woodlands Group
    8. Packing Corporation of American
    9. Rayonier
    10. Resource Management Services, LLC
    11. Westervelt
    12. Weyerhaeuser



Precise species and habitat model data for various states within the US to better understand the distribution of rare species relative to forest management, screen forestry operations for proximity to rare species and communities to minimize potential negative effects, and inform implementation of management practices conducive to the species or communities.


Scope of Data: 

Statewide data for following states: AL, AR, CA, FL, GA, ID, KY, LA, ME, MI, MN, MS, MT, NC, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, WV.