Custom Data Request ID/Name: BLM_BLM0R093_11_2022
Purpose of Request:
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will use the Licensed Dataset to assess at-risk plants and animals on and around BLM lands. The use of the Licensed Data will allow the Licensee to quickly determine where BLM Special Status Species habitats occur at varying landscape scales not limited to state, field, or district boundaries. These standardized data will provide efficiencies in national and regional inquiries, both internal and external, regarding BLM's habitat management role for sensitive species.
Scope of Species Habitat Models Provided
Species Habitat Models are being provided under the terms outlined herein for the species in the two lists below as well as other SHMs developed under the contracts for BLM SSS occurring in the Western Region, and for species in the California Desert ecosystem.
Scope of Area: AK, AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY, and Navajo Nation
BLM SSS West Models
Element.Global.ID Taxonomic.Group Scientific.Name Common.Name Global.Rank ESA.Status
159159 Plant Arctomecon humilis Dwarf Bear-poppy G1 E
146639 Plant Asclepias welshii Welsh's Milkweed G1 T
128690 Plant Astragalus holmgreniorum Holmgren's Milkvetch G1 E
109927 Arthropods Bombus franklini Franklin Bumble Bee G1 PE
108897 Arthropods Branchinecta longiantenna Longhorn Fairy Shrimp G1 E
143963 Plant Centaurium namophilum Spring-loving Centaury G2 T
106479 Fishes Chasmistes brevirostris Shortnose Sucker G1 E
102932 Fishes Deltistes luxatus Lost River Sucker G1 E
103814 Mammals Dipodomys ingens Giant Kangaroo Rat G1 E
108193 Arthropods Euproserpinus euterpe Kern Primrose Sphinx Moth G1 T
158328 Plant Fritillaria gentneri Gentner's Fritillary G1 E
102735 Fishes Gila cypha Humpback Chub G1 E, PT
105598 Fishes Gila elegans Bonytail G1 E
102842 Fishes Gila seminuda Virgin River Chub G1 E
144681 Plant Grindelia fraxinipratensis Ash Meadows Gumweed G2 T
148885 Plant Mirabilis macfarlanei Macfarlane's Four-o'clock G2 T
132964 Plant Pediocactus sileri Siler Pincushion Cactus G2 T
104138 Fishes Ptychocheilus lucius Colorado Pikeminnow G1 E, XN
132941 Plant Silene spaldingii Spalding's Campion G2 T
104297 Fishes Xyrauchen texanus Razorback Sucker G1 E
777927 Plant Sphaeralcea gierischii Gierisch's Globemallow G1 E
California Desert Models
158156 Deinandra arida Red Rock tarplant G1 S1
894626 Erythranthe rhodopetra Red Rock Canyon monkeyflower G1 S1
149932 Ivesia patellifera Kingston Mountains ivesia G2 S2
898761 Linanthus bernardinus Pioneertown linanthus G1 S1
145564 Cryptantha ganderi Gander's cryptantha G2G3 S1
885408 Euphorbia jaegeri Orocopia Mountains spurge G1 S1
154161 Plagiobothrys parishii Parish's popcornflower G1 S1
134041 Calochortus excavatus Inyo County star-tulip G2 S2
159120 Astragalus albens Cushenbury milk-vetch G1 S1
1240037 Mentzelia polita polished blazing star G2G3 S2?
158897 Chloropyron tecopense Tecopa bird's-beak G2 S1
156462 Cylindropuntia fosbergii pink teddy-bear cholla G2 S2
136545 Phacelia inyoensis Inyo phacelia G2 S2
860023 Thysanocarpus rigidus rigid fringepod G1G2 S2
150267 Enceliopsis covillei Panamint daisy G2 S2
149062 Camissonia integrifolia Kern River evening-primrose G2 S2
Mode of Delivery:
Models will be delivered on NatureServe Explorer Pro.